Wednesday, August 04, 2010


Post by Arielle

Last Monday my mom's friend invited us to go bowling and swimming with her and her girls. Her daughters are the same ages as Liana and me. We get along really well. The last time I went bowling was when I was around 6 years old, and we went with the whole family so bowling was kind of new to me. I did fine though (I think). I got two strikes and I think that was good, but I don't know much about bowling terms. We bowled from nine to twelve. We also got pizza and soda for lunch. I had so much fun!

Our friends belong to a pool so after we were done bowling we went swimming. Their pool was really nice and had really clear water. The pool also had two diving boards. One diving board was higher than the other. It was nice going swimming because we don't get to go swimming a lot.

After we got home we were in a rush to go to 4-H. We were being judged for our outfits that night. The 4-H fair is coming up soon. Everyone was there measuring fabric, moving boxes full of fabric, and packing boxes of fabric.

When we got home we were all so tired we went to bed half an hour earlier than usual! I must have been tired because I don't remember complaining about going to bed early =)

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